Quick follow up to this post...
Middle set pupil voice
My set 3 year 11 LOVED the flipped approach. All watched the video (I planned strategic questions to check they had done), all nailed the related questions on a topic I'd not covered at all in class.
In addition they all had a look at another video of their own choice. Some looked at topics we'd covered before, others looked ahead at higher/extension topics and were able to give some key facts about them.
Across the class the students used all 3 methods of finding the links that I gave them - some typed them in, some clicked through a PDF hyperlink, and others used the QR codes.
When asked if they would like more homework set like that they all answered "YES".
Top set pupil voice
By contrast my very high ability top set year 10 really didn't like the flipped approach. They said they struggled to get on with the videos, and found them either confusing, patronising or just not very helpful (it was on a topic that I had spotted they were struggling with based on an earlier homework - the video covered all of the key bits of information that they needed to resolve the issues I had seen previously).
They all said they would prefer to be guided to a page in a textbook or revision guide than to use videos, and didn't really want me to set homeworks like this again.
A conjecture
Based on this spectacularly small sample I'm now wondering... Do we have a situation where the weaker students like the more prescriptive, didactic approach of an instructional video; and those with greater confidence in maths prefer support that allows them to gather information for themselves and use that to shape their approaches without straight instruction?
This is one off snapshot of data - the stark difference between the two classes stood out for me and hence raised the question. I need to look at how other classes in my school took to this approach to add or detract from my conjecture.
I'd be interested to hear if you have experiences that might agree or disagree with what I have found so far...
Middle set pupil voice
My set 3 year 11 LOVED the flipped approach. All watched the video (I planned strategic questions to check they had done), all nailed the related questions on a topic I'd not covered at all in class.
In addition they all had a look at another video of their own choice. Some looked at topics we'd covered before, others looked ahead at higher/extension topics and were able to give some key facts about them.
Across the class the students used all 3 methods of finding the links that I gave them - some typed them in, some clicked through a PDF hyperlink, and others used the QR codes.
When asked if they would like more homework set like that they all answered "YES".
Top set pupil voice
By contrast my very high ability top set year 10 really didn't like the flipped approach. They said they struggled to get on with the videos, and found them either confusing, patronising or just not very helpful (it was on a topic that I had spotted they were struggling with based on an earlier homework - the video covered all of the key bits of information that they needed to resolve the issues I had seen previously).
They all said they would prefer to be guided to a page in a textbook or revision guide than to use videos, and didn't really want me to set homeworks like this again.
A conjecture
Based on this spectacularly small sample I'm now wondering... Do we have a situation where the weaker students like the more prescriptive, didactic approach of an instructional video; and those with greater confidence in maths prefer support that allows them to gather information for themselves and use that to shape their approaches without straight instruction?
This is one off snapshot of data - the stark difference between the two classes stood out for me and hence raised the question. I need to look at how other classes in my school took to this approach to add or detract from my conjecture.
I'd be interested to hear if you have experiences that might agree or disagree with what I have found so far...