RAG123 as defined by the students
Our head of maths has done a piece of work recently on RAG123 that I think I just have to share...Firstly if you've never heard of RAG123 then look here for my original post on it, and then see here...
View ArticleThe Pareto principle and the great divide
I just scared myself looking at my last post...it was at the end of January! So far this academic year has seen just 5 posts to my blog - in previous years I averaged 1 post per week during term time....
View ArticleSchool's own data in the Ofsted inspection data dashboard
Hopefully if you are involved in secondary school data you will already be aware of the publication of the Ofsted "Inspection dashboards" which are available via the RAISEonline website.However there...
View ArticleLearning lessons from a pro cyclist
A return post after ages away from blogging... In the time since I last posted I’ve been working on a book about teaching and finding a good work/life balance, it’s now finished and on the way to...
View ArticleData isn't always a demon
I've seen and heard quite a lot recently about data being a bad thing and driving high workloads. Indeed Ofsted nod towards this in their most recent framework, emphasising that they plan to ignore...
View ArticleDepartment for Education - Requires improvement or Inadequate?
Alongside lots of sectors the English exam system has been thrown into turmoil by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. For the first time ever exams were cancelled in the summer of 2020, and now they...
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